Friday, December 17, 2010

Bad Advertising

The photographs that contain nudity are part of a clothing brand's advertising campaign. They are not photographs of individuals being critiqued on this blog, nor are they individuals known to the author of this blog. If you do not wish to see breasts and buttocks, then please do not read this post.

Two words: American Apparel.

When will they learn that their ads are stupid and offensive? They've already taken every possible angle with the "objectifying women" theme, so now they've moved on to abusing animals.

First off, is it just me or are they the fugliest fake joddies you have ever seen? Clothes that makes a skinny model look like she has a pot belly are not going to look good on the average buyer. They look like tools, honestly, this just makes the models and the brand look bad.

On to the horses, I see two sore, angry little horses with western long-shanked bits being wrenched around in their mouths by people who have no idea how to hold reins. Whoever loaned the horses for this shoot ought to know better than to put a bit with that much leverage in the hands of a novice. Eggbut snaffles are so much safer than these if used roughly.

Their new "horse torture" line of ads makes me want to bang my head against a wall. Or better, bang their heads against a wall!

Oh wait, I forgot you could objectify women while using horses in American Apparel ads! Silly me.
Am I the only one wondering how horses and naked woman have anything to do with the clothes they make? What is the relevance here? I know sex sells, but this isn't the 'good kind' of nudity!

Well at least the grey has a nice saddle and better bridle on. It looks like it's in better condition too, IMO.

I don't know why they thought this would sell their ugly pseudo-jodhpurs, but it doesn't make me want to buy them, that's for sure! They make you look roly-poly and aren't even appropriate for real riding. What is their purpose then? Hmm.... Oh, got it! They're so ugly, that you have to take them off! I see, so you use them to get girls naked. Like so-

Oh yes, we totally believe that you play polo. Sure honey. Go put some pants on please and stop making horses look bad.

Signing off for now- Ranter.

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